
Shaking The Tree + Organic Listening Club

Host Dmae Roberts talks features two original shows in different disciplines. First up, artistic director Samantha Van Der Merwe of Shaking The Tree Theatre talks about creating an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death” with the Read the rest

O Romeo & New Now Wow

What would October be without a Day of the Dead celebration? Dmae Roberts checks in Olga Sanchez, artistic director of Miracle Theatre who has put together a new Dia de los Muertos meets Shakespeare’s famous dead characters. We’ll find out Read the rest

PCS + White Bird Dance

 A special one-hour Stage & Studio with Dmae Roberts. First up, we feature the Tony-award-winning broadway musical and Oscar-winning “Dreamgirls” at Portland Center Stage. We’ll talk with two actreeses Antoinette Comer from Dreamgirls and Laura Read the rest

New Beginnings With Unit Souzou

Artists have their fair share of doors closing on them. But it’s how you open new doors that helps define your strength as an artist. Michelle Fujii was artistic director of Portland Taiko for nine years. Toru Watanabe, her husband, Read the rest

Stories From Home

Dmae Roberts talks with Polo Catalani of the Colored Pencils Art and Culture Council about their “Stories From Home” event featuring immigrant and refugee writers and musicians. We’ll be featuring two of the artists at the event–Palestinian American writer Mohammad Read the rest

Moh Alileche – Algerian Berber Music

Dmae Roberts presents a special feature on Moh Alileche, master of Algerian Berber music. Berbers are an indigenous ethnicity of Northern Africa. The culture dates back more than 5000 years.  Alileche came to the U.S. in 1990  Read the rest