
No No Girl

On February 19TH 1942, FDR signed Executive Order 9066 sending more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to concentration camps during World War II. To commemorate the Day of Remembrance on that day, Portland’s Japanese American Citizen’s League (JACL) will host a … Read the rest

Kristina Wong – Sweatshop Overlord

Actor, writer, activist, and a Pulitzer Prize nominated tour de force artist, Kristina Wong  created a solo show born out of the pandemic. When her tour was cancelled, Wong found herself at home with her sewing machine and decided to … Read the rest

Judith Arcana – This is Jane

Dmae Lo Roberts has a timely pro-choice conversation with writer Judith Arcana.

On June 24, 2022, the majority conservative U.S. Supreme Court, overturned Roe v. Wade. After 50 years as precedent, it was dismantled as a constitutional right for a … Read the rest

Many Roads In Conversation

Dmae Lo Roberts presents an audio podcast produced by The Immigrant Story that features a frank and personal exploration of mixed race Asian American identity.

Roberts and writer and educator Patti Duncan as friends and colleagues have explore what this … Read the rest

End of the Year Reflections

It’s safe to say 2021 was a better year than 2020. With the vaccine, life this year became a little less fearful. People started to gather, first in small groups, and then with larger audiences for theaters and public events. … Read the rest

Heidi Durrow-Mixed and Remixed

Dmae talks with award-winning author Heidi Durrow who is a keynote speaker at this year’s virtual Willamette Writers Conference (July 29-Aug.1).

The daughter of a Danish immigrant mother and an a Black serviceman, Durrow grew up overseas before settling in … Read the rest