A. Molotkov is a writer, composer, filmmaker and visual artist.  Born in St. Petersburg, he moved to the U.S. in 1990 and switched to writing in English in 1993.  He is the author of several novels, short story and poetry collections and the winner of the 2011 Boone’s Dock Press poetry chapbook contest for his upcoming “True Stories from the Future”.   His credits also include the 2010 New Millennium Writings and 2008 E. M. Koeppel Fiction Awards, and a Pushcart nomination.  Molotkov’s work has appeared in over 50 publications, both in print and online.  Visit him at www.AMolotkov.com.

In our third Writers Read segment,  A. Molotkov, reads his poem “Say Me With A Dry Leaf.”

Featured Music: Moira Smiley & Voco from their CD Small Worlds. Track: ‘Rano.’  The group performs in Portland at Marylhurst College February 24th 7:30pm.

[audio:http://stagenstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/A.Molotkov-Writers-Read-w-Moira-Smiley-Voco.mp3|titles=A.Molotkov-Writers Read w Moira Smiley & Voco]

Molotkov is also featured in Writers Read 9. He performs two poems from his CD “Can You Stay Forever?”, titled “Invited” and “Never”.


Featured voices and music include Dan Catrell, Lila Sklar, Cindy Lubar, and SB Reba. You can order the CD at Molotkov’s website.

Find out how you can submit your own Writers Read segment. Submissions are open during 2011!

You can hear Stage & Studio at the KBOO website or on 90.7FM live at 11am Tuesdays.

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And always browse our archive of shows at the official Stage and Studio website