Our second Writers Read segment …this time from Tracy Burkholder of Portland who gives us two-minutes from her novel-in-progress You Can Go. Please Stay.

[audio:http://stagenstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Writers-Read-Tracy-Burkholder.mp3|titles=Writers Read-Tracy Burkholder]

Burkholder has an MFA from Bennington College and has been published in The Portland Review, Silk Road and Pacific Review.

Featured Music: Moira Smiley & Voco from their CD Small Worlds. Track: ‘Out of a Child.’

Writers Read –  Stage & Studio is a regular segment featuring Northwest writers. Writers Read segments can be poetry or prose but no longer than 2 minutes. Writers are asked to identify themselves and their city/town and the title of their work before reading their piece.

Learn how you can submit your Writers Read segment.

You can hear Stage & Studio at the KBOO websiteor on 90.7FM live at 11am Tuesdays.

Or you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes so you don’t have to miss a show.

Don’t forget to check out the official Stage and Studio website