Fertile Ground City‐Wide Festival of New Work is back. Dmae talks with festival director Nicole Lane and two of the groups features: Playwrite with executive director/founder Bruce Livingston and Passin’ Art Theatre with director Jaye Austin Williams of American King Umps.

Now in it’s sixth year, Portland plays host to hundreds of playwrights, actors, dancers and designers and performing arts producers who bring dozens of new works during winter season. FG14, presented by the Portland Area Theatre Alliance, is located throughout the city during 11 days starting Thursday, Jan. 23rd to Sunday, Feb. 2ndScreen shot 2014-01-18 at 5.15.55 PM

Fertile Ground Festival of New Work 2014
Presented by the Portland Area Theatre Alliance
Dates: January 23‐ February 2, 2014
Venue: City‐wide, check website or Festival Guide for locations
Tickets: All ticket information and event listints  at www.fertilegroundpdx.org
Individual Event tickets sold through each producer
Can be accessed through www.fertilegroundpdx.org
Festival Passes: $50

AMERICAN KING UMPS: A Midsummer Night’s Melodrama on the Tragedy of Slavery,
a new play by Don Wilson Glenn, directed by Jaye Austin Williams
presented by Damaris Webb in association with Passin’Art.

"American King Umps" cast. Photo by Lara Klingeman.
“American King Umps” cast. Photo by Lara Klingeman.

Set during the Civil War on the King Cotton Plantation in West Texas, the story of American KingUmps begins as the Master of the Plantation, fearing the oncoming of the Union Army, sells his large holding of slaves and sets fire to the cotton fields. In the Master’s absence the slaves are left both to govern themselves, and define their own identities. King Umps is high comedy and satire from beginning to end, a mash up of Gone With the Windand Comedy of Errors meets Roots.

Also featured are actors Kenneth Dembo, Jennifer Lanier, Kourtney Newell, Paul Susi, Harold Warren and Damaris Webb with design by Lara Klingeman and Wanda Walden
photo credit: Lara Klingeman.

January 30th – February 16th

"American King Umps" cast. Photo by Lara Klingeman.
“American King Umps” cast. Photo by Lara Klingeman.

1/30 – 2/2: Thur, Fri, Sat  7pm, Sun 3pm
2/6 – 2/9: Thur, Fri, Sat  7pm, Sun 3pm
2/13 – 2/16: Thur, Fri, Sat  7pm, Sun 3pm
and added Sat 2/15 3pm ASL performance
All performances are at Ethos/IFCC located at 5340 N Interstate Avenue in Portland.
Tickets are $20 general, $10 students/seniors, and are available at the door for cash purchase 30 minutes before curtain, or in advance at www.brownpapertickets.com.
Performances are ADA accessible.

"Forest of Possibilities" a play by Emily at PlayWrite with Victor_Mack & Alyson Osborn. Photo credit: Annaliese Moyer
“Forest of Possibilities” a play by Emily at PlayWrite with Victor_Mack & Alyson Osborn. Photo credit: Annaliese Moyer

PlayWrite provides creative workshops for under-served youth on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The young participants collaborate with theatre professionals throughout the process of crafting a play, from character development to directing professional actors.

PlayWrite presents Word. Voice, a performance of works in progress, completed plays, and new works by past PlayWrite graduates, in collaboration with some of Portland’s top professional actors. This show is on the Gerding main stage. Admission is free, and limited by seating at the Armory.

Date:January 26th, 2014
Time:7 PM
Where:Main Stage at the Gerding Theater at the Armory
128 NW 11th Ave. Portland, OR

Nicole Lane, Bruce Livingston & Jaye Austin Williams
Nicole Lane, Bruce Livingston & Jaye Austin Williams


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