Dmae welcomes back Literary Lesbians to talk about their Readings of Rapturous Romance with lesbian authors in the Northwest and beyond. We’ll talk with Lori L. Lake and Sandra de Helen. And in the last part of the show, … Read the rest
Dmae features the Chitra: The Girl Prince co-directed by Sarah Jane Hardy and Anita Menon. We’ll hear from both artists about their second epic collaboration which began with their critical success The Jungle Book. They worked with writer … Read the rest
Dmae features the first ever Black History Festival NW with festival director Shalanda Sims about this extension of her Black History Month play Who I Am Celebrating Me Black History play (Feb. 11 & 12 at 7:30pm)which … Read the rest
Dmae features the 2018 world premiere of Bi– Milagro Theatre‘s newest devised work. We’ll talk with actor and co-developer Ajai Terrazas Tripathi and assistant director/choregographer Gabriela Portuguez about Bi- running Jan. 11-20 at Milagro Theatre.… Read the rest
Dmae starts off 2018 featuring two shows based on adaptations. First off, we hear about PETE (Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble) and their world premiere of a new adaptation of Uncle Vanya  running Jan. 4-21 at Reed College. We’ll talk … Read the rest
Dmae welcomes NYC performing artist Soomi Kim, formerly from Beaverton, who is presenting her  provocative work as part of Boom Arts season. Kim is collaborating with Suzi Takahashi in Chang(e), an homage to the  late artist and … Read the rest