
Lauren Steele – “Queens Girl” Actress and “Nighttime” Singer


To say that Lauren Steele is a gifted actress is an understatement. In 2019 she delighted audiences with a tour de force performance playing 19 characters in Queens Girl in the World,  by Caleen Sinnette Jennings. Steele showed the … Read the rest

Intisar Abioto – Black Art/ists Gathering

Intisar Abioto calls herself “an explorer-artist working across photography, dance and writing.” Since she moved to Portland as a young adult with her family, she’s been creatively highlighting and documenting the contributions and talents of Black Oregonians.

A prolific cross-disciplinary … Read the rest

Rhonda P. Hill and the EDGE of Design

Dmae looks at the Black contributions to fashion design throughout American history with writer, publisher and fashion expert Rhonda P. Hill.

She recently published a series of eight articles called A Study of Eight, The Untold American Story, Read the rest

Heidi Durrow-Mixed and Remixed

Dmae talks with award-winning author Heidi Durrow who is a keynote speaker at this year’s virtual Willamette Writers Conference (July 29-Aug.1).

The daughter of a Danish immigrant mother and an a Black serviceman, Durrow grew up overseas before settling in … Read the rest

BlaQ Out

In this week’s Stage & Studio podcast, Dmae Roberts talks with James R. Dixon and Tyler Andrew Jones about producing the first-ever BlaQ Out.For

Pride Month,  Fuse Theatre Ensemble and The OUTwright Theatre Festival is celebrating its decade of producing … Read the rest

Vanport Mosaic 2021

Dmae talks with Laura Lo Forti and Damaris Webb, co-directors of Vanport Mosaic, a multidisciplinary organization that devotes itself to memory activism through visual and performing arts, history and community dialogue. First formed to honor the history of the devastating … Read the rest