
3 Leg Torso ‘Animals & Cannibals’

Host Dmae Roberts presents the founders of the popular Portland group, 3 Leg Torso, Bela Belogh & Courtney Von Drehle. The original ‘meester’ street performers have turned 3 Leg Torso into a world class eclectic band. They present pieces from

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Pushing Beyond Boundaries

On this Stage & Studio, we hear two artists pushing boundaries of traditions and limitations. Dmae Roberts profiles musician/dancer Michelle Fujii and her new solo performance, Choking. And Producer Tali Singer presents a NEW story on Catherine J.H. Miller, … Read the rest

Stories From The Streets & Ernest Bloch

Dmae Roberts presents “Stories From The Streets”-readings by Lunacy Stageworks & Streetroots newspaper as part of continued coverage on the Fertile Ground Festival. Producer Tali Singer also offers an artistic feature story on the the life, music and photographs of … Read the rest