
End of Year Review

As we close 2023, we reflect on the state of the arts in Oregon. This was a year in which many theater companies in Portland went back to a reduced season of plays or delayed their season openings. Dance, opera, … Read the rest

Black Nativity & Jerry Foster

Black Nativity is back at PassinArt, A Theatre Company, the oldest Black theatre company in Portland. The show is a retelling of the Nativity as a celebration of gospel music, first created by famed poet Langston Hughes in 1961. It’s … Read the rest

Renegade Opera -Adam’s Run

Since 2020, Renegade Opera has been striving to produce operas in equitable ways that support and feature emerging artists while creating an immersive experience for their growing audience.

Renegade Opera’s artistic director and founding member, Danielle Jagelski, talks with Jenna … Read the rest

Regina Taylor at PassinArt

Dmae Lo Roberts  first saw actress Regina Taylor on the television show “I’ll Fly Away” in 1991.  She admired her presence and the way she could command a scene with just a look and a feeling. That show went on … Read the rest

No No Girl

On February 19TH 1942, FDR signed Executive Order 9066 sending more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to concentration camps during World War II. To commemorate the Day of Remembrance on that day, Portland’s Japanese American Citizen’s League (JACL) will host a … Read the rest

BlaQ Out

In this week’s Stage & Studio podcast, Dmae Roberts talks with James R. Dixon and Tyler Andrew Jones about producing the first-ever BlaQ Out.For

Pride Month,  Fuse Theatre Ensemble and The OUTwright Theatre Festival is celebrating its decade of producing … Read the rest