
Vanport Mosaic Festival

Dmae features the Vanport Mosaic Festival that celebrates and remembers an important time and community in Portland history. She’ll talk  with festival co-artistic directors S. Renee Mitchell, Damaris Webb and Laura Lo Forti.  Damaris is the director/producer of … Read the rest

Boom Arts + Judy Yung

Dmae features Boom Arts, a theatre company dedicated to international and contemporary plays. She’ll talk with curator/producer and founde from the upcoming production of Free Outgoing by Chennai, India-based playwright Anupama Chandrasekhar. 

And in the latter part of the … Read the rest

Post5 + Corrib

Dmae features Post 5 Theatre’s new season starting off with King Lear and immediately following, Othello. We’ll talk with director and co-artistic director Rusty Newton Tennant, veteran actor Tobias Andersen who plays Lear. We’ll also catch up with Allen Read the rest

Mia Chung

Dmae Roberts talks with playwright Mia Chung whose play You for Me for You opens February 3–28 at Portland Playhouse directed by Gretchen Corbett. Chung  is in residence at the theatre and joins Dmae in the studio Read the rest

Passin’ Art + Remme’s Run

Dmae Roberts talks with Passin’ Art Theatre about their explosive show on race dialogue in Tommy J & Sally by acclaimed playwright Mark Medoff with director Andrea White and actors Marcus Mauldin and Sarah McGregor.  And in the second … Read the rest

Rope + DHH

Dmae talks with director Rusty Newton Tennant about ROPE, an early play that Alfred Hitchcock turned into one of his most experimental films. The original play is about to open at Bag & Baggage Productions in Hillsboro. Then we catch Read the rest