Dmae Roberts  talks with Portland comedian, musician and Fertile Ground/Second City alum auGi and award-winning PBS writer Slash Coleman about Big Plastic Heroes– Warning: Trying to be Your Idol is Dangerous.
Hear some great stories from their monologues … Read the rest
Dmae Roberts visits with playwright Sandra de Helen who’s receiving a reading of her play in NYC. We’ll also spotlight a community celebration of breast cancer survivors at the Worship In Pink event in the Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Atrium.… Read the rest
On Friday, August 5, 2011, Portland lost one of its angels on earth. Carolyn Holzman, a dear friend, an innovative theatre artist and a devoted teacher, passed away from a heart attack. In her work as a director and choreographer … Read the rest
How do you  push the boundaries and rethink the essence of art? Host/Producer Dmae Roberts talks with Harrell Fletcher and Jen Delos Reyes from Portland State University’s  Art and Social Practice MFA Program where students create socially engaging … Read the rest
Dmae talks with Portland Jazz great Thara Memory and Librettist S. Renee Mitchell about Sherman: A Jazz Opera opening at Ethos-IFCC during Black History Month. Sherman highlights Portland’s jazz history during the 1940s-50s, a high point of jazz when a … Read the rest