
Alec Cameron Lugo

Dmae spotlights Portland-based actor and singer Alec Cameron Lugo. He talks about being a mixed-race Latinx and gay artist who grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii and the depth his identity brings to his roles. We’ll also find … Read the rest

The Storytellers

For Indigenous Heritage Month in November, Dmae presents selections from The Storyteller series, a collection of Alaska Native  folktales revived from the audio archives at KNBA radio station and the Anchorage Museum in Anchorage, Alaska.

The Storyteller is a series … Read the rest

Ajai Terrazas Tripathi

Dmae talks with Ajai Terrazas Tripathi, Portland actor, director, producer and playwright.   is collaborating on two Shakespeare virtual projects: A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Northwest Children’s Theater & School (Nov. 12 – Dec. 6) and Macbeth (Nov 11, 12, Read the rest