
Changing Shakespeare

Dmae talks with three artistic directors who represent three companies working at diversity and changing Shakespeare offerings during the summer. We’ll hear from Asae Dean of Salt and Sage Productions, Paul Susi of Portland Actors Ensemble and Jennifer Read the rest

JAW Turns 20!

Dmae features the 20th annual JAW: A Playwrights Festival (short for Just Add Water) at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. The festival runs July 27-29. She’ll talk with festival director Rose Riordan and playwright Clarence Coo whose play Read the rest

Chamber Music Northwest

Dmae talks with David Shifrin, artistic director of Chamber Music Northwest, about the Summer Festival 2018 series offering Beyond the Cultural Revolution. We’ll get an overview of the Summer Fest now in progress and hear about the exploration … Read the rest

CoHo Summerfest

Dmae features the last two shows of CoHo SUMMERFEST 2018. We’ll feature Pratik Motwani’s solo show #//<EMBEDDED>//#  (performing July 12 – 15 at 7:30pm) and Philip’s Glass Menagerie  (performing July 19 – 22 at 8pm) directed Read the rest

Vera Starbard + Our Voices

Dmae features Alaska Native Playwright Vera Starbard and her play Our Voices Will Be Heard that was first produced at Perseverance Theatre and adapted into a radio play by Native Voice One. The play focuses on the journey of … Read the rest

Invisible Spectrum + Angel Island

Dmae presents Elina Lim, creator of Invisible Spectrum Stories, a show with storytellers of color sharing their stories. Lim first began this storytelling series after experiences as the only Person of Color in other storytelling shows. She started Invisible Read the rest