
3 Authors & Indy Publishing

Dmae Roberts talks with  three Portland authors about self and small press publishing. Martha Hull, Sandra de Helen and Patti Duncan represent three different genres of books: an artistic picture book, a murder mystery and a collection of essays. Read the rest

OBT Dancers & Diversity

Guest Host Sarika Mehta talks to members of  Oregon Ballet Theatre! They will be performing George Balachine’s The Nutcracker, which runs Dec. 13-27th at the Keller Auditorium. What is unique about OBT is the diversity Read the rest

Sans Merci & Murder on The Ganges

In business, the word “diversify” means to become more diverse or enlarge a field of operation. Portland’s performance scene still has a ways to go in representing diverse races and cultures that live here. Two companies–one in theatre and the Read the rest

New Beginnings With Unit Souzou

Artists have their fair share of doors closing on them. But it’s how you open new doors that helps define your strength as an artist. Michelle Fujii was artistic director of Portland Taiko for nine years. Toru Watanabe, her husband, Read the rest

Lisa See’s China Dolls

Dmae Roberts talks with acclaimed author Lisa See whose new book, China Dolls, features the era of the Asian American nightclubs during the 1930s to 50s. Her previous books, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Shanghai Read the rest

Breaking The Silence

Dmae talks with playwright Nikki Nojima Louis who has been featuring her Japanese-American oral history play Breaking The Silence to different communities around the country. Actress and dancer Chisao Hata and actor Larry Toda are featured in the staged reading Read the rest