
Baby Belle's Mommy Automaton

La Belle

Dmae features the most ambitious Imago show in their theatre, La Belle, Lost in the World of the Automaton. We’ll hear from Carol Triffle and Jerry Muoawad about their largest show more than three years. Much lauded since opening, La Read the rest

A Civil War Christmas

Dmae talks with three stellar actors, Susanna Mars, Ayanna Berkshire and John San Nicolas  from Artists Repertory Theatre’s A CIVIL WAR CHRISTMAS. The show runs  November 22, 2016 – December 23, 2016 and features a diverse cast … Read the rest

Black Nativity

Dmae speaks with artistic director Jerry Foster and cast member Laurene CoCo Jackson of PassinArt: A Theatre Company about their upcoming performances of the Gospel play Black Nativity, December 2nd to December 18th. We’ll hear about the history … Read the rest

Reggie Wilson at White Bird

Dmae talks with Walter Jaffe and Paul King founders of White Bird Dance. The two dance producers will talk about White Bird’s whole season and the upcoming performances by Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group coming to Portland Read the rest

El Muerto Vagabundo

For its 33rd season Milagro Theatre has chosen the theme home. The season opening show is about people without homes. Join Dmae as she welcomes Milagro Theatre’s new producing creative director Roy Arauz and artist-in-residence Georgina Escobar who conceived Read the rest

Shaking The Tree + Bing Bingham

Dmae talks with one of the most inventive directors in Portland, Samantha Van Der Merwe, artistic director of Shaking The Tree Theatre.  We’ll hear about her original work devised with the cast and designers, Head. Hands. Feet:Tales of DismembermentRead the rest