
Priti Gandhi & Thumbprint

Priti Gandhi & Thumbprint

Priti Gandhi came to take the helm as artistic director of Portland Opera during the fall of 2021. She inherited a dynamic season that began with one of her favorite operas Carmen and followed by newer operas Thumbprint and ABSENCE: Read the rest

Remembering William Hurt

Remembering William Hurt

(Photo: Hurt at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival from his Wikipedia page)

Stage & Studio focuses on an interview on Oscar-winning actor William Hurt who died in Portland on March 13, 2022. He was 71.  A prolific actor both … Read the rest

No No Girl

No No Girl

On February 19TH 1942, FDR signed Executive Order 9066 sending more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to concentration camps during World War II. To commemorate the Day of Remembrance on that day, Portland’s Japanese American Citizen’s League (JACL) will host a … Read the rest

Horatio Law & Alex Chiu -Illuminating Time

Horatio Law & Alex Chiu -Illuminating Time

Illuminating Time as a title can mean a time that can be illuminating to a person or a time period that is bright with illumination like during the holiday season. But in this case Illuminating Time is the name of … Read the rest

David Ornette Cherry- Remembrance

David Ornette Cherry- Remembrance


You always think you have more time. That’s what I thought when I hit a snag in scheduling an interview with David Ornette Cherry. I was shocked to learn he died on November 20th 2022 in London from Read the rest

Kristina Wong – Sweatshop Overlord

Kristina Wong – Sweatshop Overlord

Actor, writer, activist, and a Pulitzer Prize nominated tour de force artist, Kristina Wong  created a solo show born out of the pandemic. When her tour was cancelled, Wong found herself at home with her sewing machine and decided to … Read the rest