Threesome + Dr. Ruth
Love. Sex. Therapy. Dmae presents a one-hour membership drive show for KBOO radio on the theme of love,  sex and yes therapy. In the first half, Dmae talks with the cast (Alia Attallah, Dominic Rains, Quinn Franzen) of Threesome… Read the rest
Actual Women
In her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes, Maggie Gyllenhaal commented not the wealth of roles for “powerful†women but for “actual†women. Theatre as well as  film and television is often behind in portraying a wealth of women’s … Read the rest
Parfait Bassale & Migrations
Dmae profiles guitarist and singer Parfait Bassale who is about to debut his new EP of original songs. Originally from West Africa, Bassale weaves joyous guitar melodies with his intricate vocals. He often sings about his experiences and introspections of
How To End Poverty
Dmae catches up with Michael Rohd, founder and artistic director of Sojourn Theatre. It’s been since 2010 when Sojourn produced an original interactive theatre piece in Portland. This time they’re teaming up with Portland Playhouse to debut the regional … Read the rest
Profile Theatre + Margaret Cho Speaks
Dmae talks with Margaret Cho about her recent Golden Globes controversy. Then we focus on Adriana Baer (featured left0, artistic director of Profile Theatre about their new season of plays dedicated to the work of MacArthur-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl. Each … Read the rest
FG Fest 2015
For the first show of 2015, Dmae Roberts spotlights the Fertile Ground, perhaps the largest city-wide Festival of New Works in Portland. We’ll get an overview from festival director Nicole Lane. Then we’ll find out about three of the … Read the rest