Dmae talks with David Shifrin, artistic director of Chamber Music Northwest, about the Summer Festival 2018 series offering Beyond the Cultural Revolution. We’ll get an overview of the Summer Fest now in progress and hear about the exploration … Read the rest
Dmae presents Elina Lim, creator of Invisible Spectrum Stories, a show with storytellers of color sharing their stories. Lim first began this storytelling series after experiences as the only Person of Color in other storytelling shows. She started Invisible … Read the rest
Dmae features the new Portland Chinatown Museum which has a soft open on First Thursday, June 7th 4-8pm with photographer Dean Wong’s exhibit of Chinatown photographs. We’ll hear from executive director Jackie Petersen-Loomis and artist Roberta Wong about the history … Read the rest
Dmae features Hedda, a world premiere dance piece focusing on Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler, choreographed by Sarah Slipper, Artistic Director, NW Dance Project. She’ll be joined by dancer Andrea Parson who performs the title role of Hedda. We’ll also … Read the rest
Dmae features the first of Women’s History Month shows starting with Men on Boats by Jaclyn Backhaus, a play about the first expedition of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon, performed with an all-female cast at Third Rail … Read the rest
Dmae features the first ever Black History Festival NW with festival director Shalanda Sims about this extension of her Black History Month play Who I Am Celebrating Me Black History play (Feb. 11 & 12 at 7:30pm)which … Read the rest