On Friday, August 5, 2011, Portland lost one of its angels on earth. Carolyn Holzman, a dear friend, an innovative theatre artist and a devoted teacher, passed away from a heart attack. In her work as a director and choreographer … Read the rest
How do you  push the boundaries and rethink the essence of art? Host/Producer Dmae Roberts talks with Harrell Fletcher and Jen Delos Reyes from Portland State University’s  Art and Social Practice MFA Program where students create socially engaging … Read the rest
Dmae talks with Portland Jazz great Thara Memory and Librettist S. Renee Mitchell about Sherman: A Jazz Opera opening at Ethos-IFCC during Black History Month. Sherman highlights Portland’s jazz history during the 1940s-50s, a high point of jazz when a … Read the rest
Dmae Roberts presents “Stories From The Streets”-readings by Lunacy Stageworks & Streetroots newspaper as part of continued coverage on the Fertile Ground Festival. Producer Tali Singer also offers an artistic feature story on the the life, music and photographs of … Read the rest