Dmae takes a tour of the new Shaking The Tree Theatre space with artistic director Samantha Van de Merwe. Â We’ll go on location to find about about her new production of Suddenly Last Summer, a 90-minute one act … Read the rest
Dmae talks with three powerhouses of Portland theatre, Elizabeth Huffman, Luisa Sermol (pictured left) and Lorraine Bahr. They’re collaborating on favorably reviewed production of Mary Stuart a Portland premiere of an adaptation about the doomed Queen of Scots and her … Read the rest
Join guest host Sarika Mehta for a focus on Tribes a play about a young man who is the only deaf member of his family that refuses to let him learn sign language or be involved in the Deaf Community. … Read the rest
In her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes, Maggie Gyllenhaal commented not the wealth of roles for “powerful†women but for “actual†women. Theatre as well as  film and television is often behind in portraying a wealth of women’s … Read the rest
Dmae talks with Margaret Cho about her recent Golden Globes controversy. Then we focus on Adriana Baer (featured left0, artistic director of Profile Theatre about their new season of plays dedicated to the work of MacArthur-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl. Each … Read the rest
Host Dmae Roberts talks features two original shows in different disciplines. First up, artistic director Samantha Van Der Merwe of Shaking The Tree Theatre talks about creating an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death” with the … Read the rest